
Again, Apel became the most expensive brands in the world

Apel became the company's most expensive brands in the world for the third time. The remarkable improvement of the Apel brand in 2009 is still in position to six and six-level rise by 2010 that occupied the 3rd position after Apel brand value rose 19% from a year earlier, in 2011 Apel brand value rose by a further 37% of the market value of the previous.

iPhone From Apel

Apel topped the list as the most valuable trademarks in the world for the third time. Apel leads the ranking again this year with an estimated sales value of U.S. $ 104.300 million, an increase of 20% over the previous year and almost two times more than other brands in the world.

This is a remarkable achievement that Apel never experiencing a decline of 45% in the last twelve months because Apel only since 2010 focusing on improving existing products rather than the launch of a new product. However, this does not shift the position of Apel as the most valuable brand in the world.

Second order this year that the tech giant is owned by Microsoft, but the value of Microsoft is still small compared Apel with U.S. $ 56.700 million. The same relative value compared to the previous year, although Microsoft has acquired Nokia. While the third is owned by the multinational company Coca-Cola, an estimated value of approximately U.S. $ 54.900 million.

The sequences had been released by Forbes that took more than 200 global brands. But Forbes does not take into account other multinational giants like Vodafone or telecom company China Mobile, which became the largest mobile operator in the world. The U.S. ranks first in the list of most valuable brands in the world, while the next sequence is owned by the German state with nine, followed by France with eight companies, and Japan with seven companies either public or private.

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