Honey is very useful for human health, carbohydrates and nutrients in honey can add energy to the body. Honey is a natural food provided by nature to human. The Chinese often consume honey added to the milk, bread, drinks and breakfast them. Maybe this could be a reference to get a healthy lifestyle by consuming of honey.Honey is suitable for everyone except for sufferers diabetes mellitus and infants under one-year-old. Honey contains vitamins, carbohydrates, nutrients, minerals, glucose, sucrose, catalase, maltose, vitamin C, chrysin, pinocembrin, monosaccharides fructose, and pinobanksin. Here are the benefits of honey :
Benefits of Honey for humans
- Honey is usually consumed by the pain to add strength and increase the immune system. Because honey can control blood sugar that is converted into energy so well to recover stamina.
- Honey can prevent constipation.
- Honey is beneficial for the heart because it protects the function of the heart
- Honey is useful for someone who has a chronic cough
- Honey can reduce pain and speed healing of burns and prevent infection. Because the content of honey able to block the attack of bacteria / germs and fungi
- Honey can prevent cancer disease, Honey as antioxidant flavonoids and contains carcinogens that can reduce a person's risk of cancer
- Consuming of honey a half hour before you eat can help reduce the secretion of gastric acid.
- Honey can fight free radicals that enter the body. nutraceuticals in the honey can counteract free radicals.
- if difficult when going to bed, honey can help you fall asleep. Drink a spoonful of honey can make sleep more soundly and feel good on the body when you wake up.
- Honey can also be used for weight loss, in addition, honey can also make a person look younger, especially if consumed regularly.