Natural ways make a face more beautiful
1. Mask
Required in the facial mask at home is doing a good and suitable to your skin type. The skin has different requirements depending on the skin type. Smearing the mask on your face can be done every day, but if you do not have time enough, you can do 2 times a week.
2. Simply break
Adequate rest can make your skin look brighter and fresher. You'll look better if you get enough sleep. Sleep is important for maintaining the texture, color, and good skin health.
3. Try without make-up for a while
No wear make-up not only gives the skin breathe
You will be surprised at what you get if you make a fresh assessment of your face. The eyes will look more deeply without shadow cheek, looked fresh and glowing skin without foundation. Do not use excessive beauty products. Make-up and beauty products that make the skin become irritated when you have to pay dearly for such products, especially when you have sensitive skin. Try to stop some of the products for one or two weeks. You may be surprised
4. Drinking enough water
Drink at least 2 liters of water. The water serves to detoxify toxins in the body will be excreted through urine water
5. Eat Healthy Foods
Leave foods like junk food and switching to healthier foods. Eat lots of vegetables and fruit, not only contribute to a healthy
6. Inhaling the scent of Fresh
Believed, that the scent of roses and oranges can raise a person's mood. You can use the rose scented perfume, or orange to evoke your mood.
7. Laugh
Laughter is known as the best medicine, can provide light in the eyes, making red cheeks
A spontaneous joke with friends or watch a comedy would have an impact both on the face. The smile on a neighbor or someone else, you'll be surprised how much better your appearance.
8. Go in for Sport
Exercise at least 20 minutes every day will make the body fitter. A fit body will make you look more beautiful and attractive.